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Homemade Pregnancy Tests

Missed your last period? Unsure if you are pregnant or not? One tends to resort to home pregnancy tests suggested by family and friends or those recommended online. Most of these tests can be done at home with common ingredients found in every household. Though there may have been many people who suggested these and it worked for them, and you find readily available information online, no medical bodies have certified these.  

Missed your last period? Unsure if you are pregnant or not? You can look out for early signs of pregnancy test or use some homemade pregnancy tests. Most of these tests can be done at home with common ingredients found in every household. Though there may have been many people who suggested these and it worked for them, and you find readily available information online, no medical bodies have certified these and checking with drugstore pregnancy tests is more reliable  

Below are a few common homemade pregnancy tests

Various home pregnancy tests 

As you would have read multiple times, the process of a pregnancy test involves checking blood or urine for a pregnancy hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). This is produced in the body after the embryo is implanted in the uterus. Most OTC tests available at your pharmacy are urine tests whereas your practitioner may draw blood to confirm a pregnancy.  

The phenomenon of homemade tests is based on the fact there is a chemical reaction between hCG and certain household items such as vinegar and baking soda.  

Shampoo Pregnancy Test and Results 

In one plastic container collect your urine. In another container, make a shampoo and water soapy mixture. Add your urine to this soapy mixture. If it becomes frothy and foam is created, the result is positive. This fizziness happens due to the chemical reaction of hCG and shampoo.  

Please note that there is no scientific credibility for this test.  

Sugar Pregnancy Test and Results  

In a plastic container add 1 tablespoon of sugar and 1 tablespoon of your urine. The pregnancy status is determined by how the sugar reacts. If the sugar dissolves completely, you are not pregnant; however, if the sugar becomes clumpy, you are supposedly pregnant. The reason for this is that the hCG in the urine prevents sugar from dissolving.  

Again, this procedure also lacks scientific evidence 

Toothpaste Pregnancy Test and Results 

In a plastic container, squeeze two tablespoons of white toothpaste. Now add your urine to it. If the toothpaste color becomes blue, it’s a positive pregnancy result. The reason for this reaction is that when hCG comes in contact with toothpaste, it reacts and makes it turn blue.  

However, this test doesn’t take into account the fact that toothpaste is available in numerous colors and there is no proof of accuracy for this test.  

”Experts do no attribute any reliability to these tests and suggest that these should only be conducted at home for fun. The more accurate pregnancy tests available are urine tests or blood tests. Even if your home-ingredients react and become fizzy, frothy or bubbly, you need to get one of the credible tests or visit your doctor to know the actual pregnancy result and not solely rely on the homemade tests.”

Bleach Pregnancy Test and Results 

Fill half a small container with your urine. To this add half cup of bleach. Let it rest for 3 to 5 minutes. If this mixture foams and fizzes, it is allegedly a positive pregnancy result. The reason for this reaction is that when hCG comes in contact with bleach, the chemical reaction causes it to foam and fizz.  

Please be sure to handle this mixture with caution as it can be dangerous if it gets on your skin you end up inhaling the fumes. It is recommended that one uses gloves and wears a mask when handling bleach. Urinate first, then add bleach to it, because if you urinate over a cup of bleach, the fumes may cause irritation to your skin.  

However, this test doesn’t consider the fact that urine from non-pregnant women may also cause a similar reaction. There is no scientific evidence to support this experiment.  

Soap Pregnancy Test and Results  

This test is similar to the above tests. You need to add 2 tablespoons of your urine to a small piece of soap and mix the two. If the mixture foams or froths, the pregnancy result is positive. The reason for this is the hCG causes the soap to become bubbly and fizzy.  

Just like with the other tests, there is no scientific evidence to support the same.  

Vinegar Pregnancy Test and Results 

In a plastic container add 1 cup of white vinegar and 1/2 cup of urine. Let this sit for 3 to 5 minutes. If the color changes it indicates a positive pregnancy result. The Vinegar pregnancy test is based on the premise that when the hCG hormone reacts with vinegar, it causes a reaction leading to a changed color 

Once again, there is no evidence that this has scientific legitimacy to it. 

Baking soda Pregnancy Test and Results 

This procedure is similar to the rest. It involves mixing 2 tablespoons of baking soda to urine, in a plastic cup. If the mixture becomes bubbly and fizzy, it is supposedly a positive pregnancy result. This is said to happen as the hCG in the urine makes the baking soda fizz and bubble.  

There is no scientific evidence for this as well.  

Pine-Sol Pregnancy Test and Results 

For those who aren’t aware, Pine-Sol is a pine-scented antibacterial household cleaner and is a commonly used ingredient in homemade pregnancy tests. The procedure is similar – mix equal parts of urine and Pine-Sol. Mix this well and wait for 3 minutes. If the mixture changes colour, the pregnancy result is apparently positive. The reason for the colour change is the chemical reaction between hCG hormone and the pine.   

Of course, science doesn’t propagate or substantiate either of the homemade pregnancy tests.  

What does scientific research say? 

The above suggested homemade pregnancy tests lack any scientific evidence. 

No medical body or research claims that these are recommended or accurate methods of detecting pregnancy. They’re urban myths based on anecdotal evidence. In fact, even urine from non-pregnant women caused similar reactions when mixed with the ingredients listed above.  

Experts do no attribute any reliability to these tests and suggest that these should only be conducted at home for fun. The more accurate pregnancy tests available are urine tests or blood tests. Even if your home-ingredients react and become fizzy, frothy or bubbly, you need to get one of the credible tests or visit your doctor to know the actual pregnancy result and not solely rely on the homemade tests.  

Pregnancy is no joke and needs to be dealt with in a mature and serious manner. Checking for early signs of pregnancy is one way to find out if you pregnant. For confirmation, drugstore purchased urine tests or blood/ urine tests conducted by your doctors are the ones to rely on.


We recommend not using the tests as they are not scientifically proven. Living with a wrong result or being anxious about the credibility of the result is not worth it. If you are going through these early symptoms of pregnancy like a missed period, nausea, frequent urination and other signs mentioned in this article – chances are you are pregnant.  

A legitimate pregnancy test or a visit to the doctor will provide you the accurate results and you can start preparing for a pregnancy accordingly.  

Detecting pregnancy at an early stage and using the right method will help you get the right care you need at the correct time. So, while you may be excited to check these tests out at home, do know that these are ok as long as you are not charting your next course of action based on them. 


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