Welcome to your first trimester! Have questions? Find your answers here
Your first trimester starts right after the fertilization and implantation process. The first trimester lasts from Week 1 to Week 12 or the first 3 months. You need to start thinking about a lot of things to better prepare you for the future – when do you tell the family and friends, when do you tell the workplace, are you a high-risk category, where do you want to deliver?
During this period your baby starts to develop a few body parts, the heart is now beating and intestines are getting formed; even the eyelids, earlobes, mouth and nose start to take shape. What was once an embryo is now the size of a kidney bean with movements. Apart from the baby getting formed, your body also undergoes many changes. During the first trimester you need to be sure about what to eat, prenatal tests to undergo, how to deal with nausea and mood swings and how to keep the fetus healthy among other things.
Each week of this trimester is exciting, right from the first pregnancy test and getting to know you are pregnant to experiencing morning sickness all day. We will tell you everything you need to know to sail through this trimester.
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